Friday, September 16, 2011


Im so unpatient...All i want is to hit the 20lb loss mark lol Good news is i learned to love fish and grapefruit. Hope i can get a double pound day tomorrow!

Todays weight : Day 13-  185lbs= 13 lbs loss!
Staring weight:                198lbs  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I havent been perfect : /

So even tho im like 11-12 pds down (my cheapo scale sucks), i been a big fat FAIL...I do the strict diet 98% of the time but lately at night i cave in hard....of course the worst time to eat something bad. I dont know why but during the day, the diet is a piece of cake but the sun goes down and i will go postal for a piece of cake! I dont know if its my lack of will power or my body that is sugar craving sensitive since i take diabetes meds for my PCOS. I used to get physically sick if i didnt eat sugar after a meal. I dont know, im angry at myself but with how my body functions when it comes to sugar, im a lil sympatheic to myself. Right now i just have alot bitterness that i even gotta be on this diet :(

Todays weight : Day 12-  187lbs= 11 lbs loss!
Staring weight:                198lbs  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Son of a buhhhh...Gonna work extra hard to get break thru it and get 2 pounds down by tomorrow...If not, i will do a dreaded " apple day" . UGH. A big problem is i lost all sensation of hunger, actually dont even want to eat and practically have to force myself. In good news, my muffin top hasnt magically reappear. I love my new flat yet fat belly. Now just have to work on the fat part.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Biggest & most Important difference

Since i started this diet something AMAZING has happened and it might sound a lil nuts....But i lost my HUGE stomach! No seriously, something in my old diet obviously was causing swelling & bloating making  my stomach so abnormally inflated. It wasnt "fat" , basicly it was allergic reaction to what i was ingesting. It has to be either white flour, sugar or dairy ( which has been cut out)and I  had an allergic like affect on my body.  Even my face has a less swollen fat look.  But to go from looking literally 2nd -3rd trimester pregnant to a FLAT shaped belly in this short of a time (and this started after 1 day on the diet!) is the ultimate amazzzzzing achievement . Even when i was 15 pds lighter before, my stomach didnt look nowhere as good as it does now so now im really curious to know with an additional 25 lbs loss would make look like- hello abs maybe? haha in my dreams! Also i have a gut feeling ( no pun intended lol) that im a bit more sensitive to hcg levels effecting me in a positive, more effective way due to my severe hormone imbalance. So my hope is i will lose more then a typical person would lose faster on the hcg drops. Im ready to prove my theory right.....because im always right :)

1st Milestone!

I dont know how ....But i reached the 10pd loss mark today! With how bad my body was reacting taking the HCG on my period, i decided to stop taking the drops for a couple of days and eat whatever the hell i want. Well last night i took that to a bad extreme, ok so this is where my shameful yet blunt honest confessions comes in LOL I had Taco Bell for dinner, then i went out with my hubby to a metal show where we split a pitcher of beer and then i went on a craaazzzzzzy McDonalds binge: Double cheese burger, chicken nuggets with ranch, a large Dr.Peppers and chocolate chip cookies and a big brownie from 7/11. Yeah thats pretty effing BAD! Good thing is for some odd reason, none of it tasted as good as i thought it would after dieting so strictly and it had me feeling super gross & sick like where i was like " Ok, never cheating again, that soooo wasnt delish enough to be worth it!" So i was scared shit to face the scale today, i even planned on avoiding until a few days back on the diet. But im not big on surprise so i stepped on the scale, even after eating said "188" WHAT !!?? I must of step on and off a good 8 times at least thinking something was wrong, i misread, maybe it said i was back to 198...nope, I freaking lost 2lbs  after i  mustve eaten 3-4 thousand calories last night alone! Im still in utter shock!!! So good news is i dont think i will crave fast food again and im soooo into this diet now, all i ate today was an egg, an orange and black coffee and im gonna have to force feed myself dinner because i have no feelings of hunger whatsoever. Next Milestone : reach my old 175 , my ultimate stuck problem weight barrier and battle my hardest to break it! Im pumped!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Not a good day : /

Didnt lose anything today : (  and can i mention....Im fucking starving!!! The thought of boiled chicken ,grilling meat, veggies...i wanna huuurrrrl! I just want a freaking sandwich and a brownie- is that too much to ask for? Not to be TMI, Im actually allowed to cheat now cuz i have my period (says to stop taking drops & dieting  during period) but i stuck it out 3 days into it...BTW i think the drops made it come over 10 days early ugghh!I dont know how tonight is gonna end up but i feel like im gonna cry if i dont get to some carbs r sugar asap!

Friday, September 9, 2011

What's for Dinnah?

Boiled chicken & Broccoli- then chopped up and stirfryed with a sauce made from lemon, garlic, a lil soy sauce, sea salt, onion & garlic powder. O, and with the breadsticks. I WAS going for a chinese chicken w/ broccoli style dish but it had more of scampi taste . Taste waaaaay better then it looks, it was pretty amazing. Even my husband was very impressed how great it was.  Def will be a dinner fav!